Latest Airdrops
Earn mats through memes, participating in Discord, or deposits on Mezo, and convert them into matsnet BTC, a testnet version of Bitcoin that works like real BTC.
1. Earn mats on the Mezo Meme Market by creating and trading memes.
2. Convert mats to matsnet BTC.
3. Use matsnet BTC to stack sats, for gas and explore the Mezo ecosystem
🪂 Register:
➖ Connect your BTC address
➖ Discord
➖ Go to #Lootbox Channel
➖ Claim Mat ~ Back to General
➖ type / scale and control mat
➖ type/transfer enter amount and mezo id
➖ Go to
➖ Click Stack matsnet sats
➖ Confirm
➖ Do
matsnet alphadrop response: BTC 100K
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