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Mezo Update:Collect the BTC Defender Role in the Acre, Mezo, and t* servers !Cla…
Mezo Update:
Collect the BTC Defender role on Acre, Mezo and t* servers!
Collect the BTC Defender role on Acre, Mezo and t* servers!
➖ Click on the galxe task Register the signatories of the WBTC commitment
➖ Click Sign > Connect Wallet > Sign Pledge > Create Tweet > Done
➖ Join DC Acre:
➖ Claim the BTC Defender role on Galxe
Check the role of the Defender and tighten the mats 1000:
➖Open DC Mezo > Quest > Sign the Pledge > claim the role and 1,000 mats
Claim 350 mats:
➖ go to the quest chain > Pquest #saveWBTC > Task completed, follow the WBTC party > Klamp 350 mats
Staking mat:
➖ General return > type the amount /transfer_mats & the mezo identifier
➖ Bet again